05 Jul 2023 08:53

Koali Primary School

The school (non-profit organisation providing free primary education) had challenges of delivering teaching services effectively, especially information Technology (IT) subjects due to lack of electricity. The classrooms were not conducive for teaching and learning during cloudy days. The children at this school were tracking behind in today’s world due to delayed exposure to ICT, its knowledge and usage due to lack of electricity power at their school. This project facilitated teaching of ICT subjects at school. With financial assistance from the office of Australian High Commissioner to Lesotho, the Association:

  1. Installed electricity at the school to facilitate:
    1. eaching/learning of the ICT subjects at school
    2. Evening studying for herd boys and other disadvantaged groups
    3. Improved production of official documents and records keeping
  2. Purchased Computers, a laptop and a printers to complement the electricity installation project to achieve stated objectives.

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