05 Jul 2023 08:43

Roma Primary School

With financial assistance from the office of Australian High Commissioner to Lesotho, the Association installed electricity at Roma Primary school. A member of the Alumni Association had realized that Covid 19 pandemic had negatively affected education in Lesotho by compromising the quality of, and access to education. This situation was worst within public primary schools like Roma Primary School that offer basic/free primary education as they have no alternatives to in-person teaching/learning. Due to Covid 19 National Regulations, schools had to be closed at the onset of the pandemic and after that schools had to enforce social distancing within classes. To do this, only a fraction of children were allowed to attend school in a day (shifting system where children could no longer attend school for five days per week). With this arrangement children’s learning and teachers’ instruction time was cut by 50% if there were no alternatives to continue learning and instruction at home. Private schools adopted ICT as an alternative to teaching/learning so that children could continue learning at home to compensate for lost learning time. This situation did not only indicate a decline in quality of education within public schools but also showed existing inequalities to access to education in Lesotho.

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